The Importance of Fiber for Your Digestive Health

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You may have heard of the importance of adding fiber to your diet. But what exactly is fiber and why is it beneficial for our health?

Fiber can be mainly found in fruit, vegetables, grains, and legumes. It is part of plant-based foods and it is not absorbed by the body; it only passes through your digestive system. That’s why fiber is commonly used as a remedy to treat or prevent constipation. But there’s evidence that the attributes of fiber have more than one positive impact on health.

For instance, a diet rich in fiber could provide the following benefits:

It regulates bowel movements and gut health

It helps prevent constipation and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Studies show that it also reduces the risk of colon and rectal cancer.

It reduces cholesterol levels

Soluble fiber, which can be found in foods such as beans and oatmeal, may help reduce the levels of the so-called “bad” cholesterol (LDL) which, in turn, promotes a healthier cardiovascular system.

It helps control blood sugar levels

Soluble fiber also slows down sugar absorption in the blood, which helps maintain lower blood sugar levels. It also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

It helps maintain a healthy weight

Foods rich in fiber also tend to make you feel fuller than those with less fiber. This way, you may eat less and remain satisfied for longer.

The best way to integrate more fiber into your diet is by consuming foods which naturally contain it, like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other legumes, nuts, and seeds. Although it’s better to get your fiber from whole foods, you may also add fiber supplements to your diet.

Moreover, it is also important to emphasize that fiber works best when you drink enough water.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your gut health, the gastroenterologists from Salus Clinics are ready to help.

Call today at (787) 789-1996 or visit to make an appointment.


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