Prostate Cancer

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Prostate cancer is a notoriously prevalent condition among men, and more work needs to be done to understand and manage it. In this article, we shed light on the nature of this disease, emphasizing prevention and available treatment options and encouraging men to prioritize their health with regular check-ups.

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer affecting the prostate, a vital organ in the male reproductive system. Unlike other types of cancer, many individuals with prostate cancer may remain asymptomatic for years, given its slow growth rate. In fact, approximately 96% of those diagnosed with the disease are still alive five years later, especially if their tumors have not spread beyond the prostate​.

Risk factors and prevention

Age is the most significant risk factor, with an increase in risk as men grow older. Other factors include family history and certain genetic mutations. Although all men are at risk, it is possible to take preventive measures. These include adopting a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine health screenings, to facilitate the early detection of the disease​.

Detection and diagnosis

Early detection plays a vital role. Among the most frequent screenings is the prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test, which can detect the presence of prostate cancer, although elevated levels may also stem from other non-cancerous conditions. Transrectal ultrasounds and biopsies are also used for a more in-depth assessment. These tests can help determine the presence and stage of cancer and are important in planning the appropriate treatment.​.

It is important to take into account the recommended ages for screening tests. 

  • For men at average risk, these tests should start at age 50. 
  • Men at high risk should begin screening at age 45. This group includes African American men and those with first-degree relatives (parent or sibling) who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer before 65 years old. 
  • Screenings should be started at age 40 for men who are at even higher risk, usually those with a first-degree relative who was diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age. 

Available treatments

Treatment for prostate cancer varies based on the stage of the disease and other individual factors. Options include the active surveillance of slow-growing tumors, surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and other targeted treatments. The treatment is chosen based on a combination of the best available scientific evidence and the patient’s preferences​.

Promoting screening and prioritizing men’s health

It is essential for men to understand that prostate cancer is both preventable and treatable, especially when detected early. Having an open communication with healthcare providers regarding risks and screening alternatives can make a significant difference on the outcome.

It is time to take action! 

Take charge of your health today. Being proactive in the detection and prevention of prostate cancer is paramount. Explore our medical directory for more information and to schedule an appointment with medical specialists that can help and guide you. Your health is a priority. Together, we can work towards a healthier future.

The article is also available in audio. Listen here! 

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