Low-Impact Exercise

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What is Low-Impact Exercise?

Low-impact exercise is defined as physical activity designed to minimize the strain on joints, muscles, and bones. It is ideal for people of any age and physical condition, especially those with limited mobility or joint pain, and for those who are recovering from an injury. Low-impact exercises are intended to generate less impact and strain on the body than high-impact activities such as tennis, CrossFit, or basketball.

Which Low-Impact Exercises are recommended?

Recommended low-impact exercises include activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, water aerobics, light gardening, group exercise classes, and dancing. These activities are gentle on the joints and help to improve function, mood, and quality of life, making them especially beneficial for people with arthritis.

What are Water Aerobics and what are the benefits?

Aquatic workouts, such as swimming and water aerobics, are excellent forms of low-impact exercise. Water creates a natural resistance that helps strengthen muscles while reducing strain on the joints. These activities can help improve cardiac health, reduce stress, and increase muscle endurance and flexibility. Aquatic exercises are also especially beneficial for people with arthritis or osteoarthritis because the water supports the body’s weight, helping to reduce pain and stiffness during the workout.

Overall Benefits of Low-Impact Exercise

  1. It strengthens the bones and muscles
    As we age, it is crucial that we protect our bones, joints, and muscles, and low-impact exercise is an excellent way of doing just that. Muscle-strengthening activities, such as lifting weights, are important to increase or maintain muscle mass and strength. This is especially important for older adults, who experience a natural reduction in muscle mass and strength.
  2. It helps prevent falls and improves functional ability
    When older adults engage in various physical activities, it improves their physical mobility and helps reduce the risk of falls or fall-related injuries. Including physical activities like aerobics and strength and balance training in their daily lives may be useful. Regular physical activity also helps to handle functional limitations and improves the ability to perform everyday activities like going up and down stairs or shopping for groceries.
  3. It aids in the management of chronic conditions and disabilities
    Regular physical activity also plays an important role in helping people manage chronic health conditions and disabilities. For example, it helps reduce pain and control the blood sugar levels of people with type 2 diabetes, and supports people with disabilities in performing daily activities and being more self-sufficient.

Incorporating low-impact exercises into your daily routine can offer significant benefits, not only to your physical health, but also to your overall quality of life. These activities are ideal for people looking for a gentler kind of exercise that will also offer substantial benefits in terms of strengthening and maintaining their functional mobility. 

So, when are you going to start including it in your routine?

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