It’s Not a Cold! Learn to Identify Seasonal Allergies wit This Checklist

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With the arrival of spring, many people experience symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and a stuffy nose. But did you know that these symptoms might not be signs of a cold, but rather seasonal allergies? Learn some key facts:

  • Climate change could increase pollen concentrations and the length of pollination seasons, which could have further negative effects on your health.
  • Pollen is an airborne allergen that can have negative effects on health. These tiny “grains” are spread by flowering plants, trees, grasses, and weeds.
  • The amount and type of pollen in the air depends on the season and geographic region. Although pollen levels tend to be higher in warmer seasons, some plants pollinate throughout the year.

Here is a checklist to help you identify if you have spring allergies and a resource to help you find the appropriate treatment:

  • Common symptoms
    If you have frequent sneezing, a scratchy throat, or a stuffy or runny nose, you may be experiencing seasonal allergies. Pay attention and keep a record of these symptoms to discuss them with your doctor.
  • Know your triggers
    Identify what triggers your allergy symptoms. Do they worsen at certain times of the year, such as in the spring? Have you noticed a link between exposure to pollen, grass, or dust mites and your allergies? Recognizing these factors can help you avoid them or reduce their impact on your allergies.
  • Talk to a specialist
    Seeking specialized medical attention is key! Talk to an allergist or immunologist to get an accurate diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan for your allergies.

With this checklist and the help of the right specialists, you can effectively identify and treat your seasonal allergies so you can enjoy the fresh air and warm spring weather.

Would you like to know if you have a specific allergy? Visit our Provider Directory here! Access detailed information about our specialists, where they are located, and their experience today.

The article is also available in audio. Listen here! 

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